Building a Table for the Ox

The DOX (Don's OX) Table Build

Finally all CNC's in one place in my shop. Both laser and Router are on movable bases


  • Strong 
  • Sits on the floor when in operation but can be moved easily
  • Houses electronics
  • Room for a hood added at a later time
  • Space for electronics


  • Materials: dimensional lumber from big box stores
  • 3/4" MDF thick top
  • Integrated lift: lifts entire table up on casters for movement
  • Storage space 
  • Space for drawers, electronics, PC or tablet

General Parts

Frame parts: 2x4 and 2x6, 96" length
Cam lags: 1/2 x 6" and flat washer.
Most other hardware: 1/4 x 5" lag screws and washers
Top: 3/4 MDF, size to your liking
Shelf: 1/4" fiber board or material to your liking
A rough cut-list for the V3 model below

Initial Build Complete

The table cut and kitted

1/2 x 6" lag screws in cams
1/2 x 6" lags were used in the cams so that the non threaded part of the shaft created a bearing surface as it goes through the frame. However, the non-threaded part of a 6" lag is longer than the width of the frame and you cannot screw that into the end of the cam. To solve this problem after a pilot was drilled in the cam for the threaded portion about 1" of the cams hole was enlarged to 1/2". This allowed the solid shaft to pass through the frame and into the cam material.

The top frame parts were plane'd flat on the joiner

Pretty Flat


The main feature of the table is the cam system that allows the table to be lifted 1/4-1/2 so that it can be moved in my shop or on a nice day out into the driveway.

Space for Electronics


Design in SU Warehouse

Waste Boards

Waste Boards


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